Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Tasty Tuesday

Now that summer has finally arrived here on the island, we are beginning to enjoy the first vegetables and fruits of the season.  The other day when I stopped the car at the end of the lane to get the mail, I smelled strawberries. The wind was gently blowing across the (uncut) field and the scent of wild strawberries was amazing.  I decided to pick some for us to eat and as I was doing that I noticed that there was quite a large area of plants and berries. Perhaps enough for a batch of jam.

Yum!  The berries are on a side plate, not a platter. For a better idea of size, here are some on a teaspoon. Yes, a small spoon that you would use for your coffee or tea.

The above strawberries are actually some of the bigger ones I picked.  

In case you are thinking that the pack is neglected and deprived, don't worry, they all had strawberries too!

Once I had measured to be sure I had enough for a batch of strawberry rhubarb jam, the remaining were evenly distributed over their evening kibbles.

The jam is yummy and will be enjoyed over the coming winter.


  1. Wow, you must have had to pick a LOT to make that jam! Looks delicious :) I made strawberry peach preserves last weekend, and we're making peach ice cream today - got to take advantage of all the wonderful fruit available at this time of the year...

  2. That was a brilliant find! You'll be enjoying those for many months to come--in the jam.
    Those little strawberries often have more taste than the large, commercial ones!

  3. Oh, yum! I love homemade jam!

  4. Homemade jam!!! Yum. I agree with Bella, Rox and Dui, the little wild ones usually taste much better than the commercially grown ones. How are you going to hold off eating that jam till winter? It looks wonderful.
