Sunday, November 18, 2012

Raking leaves with Breeze and Forest

The process of raking the leaves seems to take forever.  It seems that I rake a big pile and then have to rake it again.  Here is video proof of why.  

I had left to get another leaf bag and when I was walking back, this is what I saw.

Yet more proof that rescued dogs and rescued blind dogs are really just normal dogs that are happy and love to play!

(I'd rather watch them play than rake leaves)


  1. Dogs are more important than a tidy yard....that's our opinion.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. Those are some happy, playful cattle dogs! All is as it should be...piles of leaves are made for dogs to play in.

    1. I just love the look of happiness on Breeze's face as she bounces around. Makes raking leaves a lot more fun!

  3. They look quite proud of themselves for wrecking that leaf pile! That's quite a lot of leaves you have there! I am really jealous!

    1. Shall we send you some of our leaves?! We're jealous of your warm temperatures all year long! The more the dogs play in the leaves, the more they break them down which means less bulk to transport to the yard waste depot.
