Tuesday, March 28, 2017

A Sign of Spring!

After all the snowstorms lately, we have finally seen a sign of spring!  

Can you see it?

Here's a close-up.

Hooray, it must be spring - Callie is blowing her coat!


  1. Now that's a sure sign! Bet the birds around you all have ACD-fur-lined nests! (We were thinking the sign was MUD!)

  2. Same here - although it's bring spring-like for a while, and Rita's been blowing it for a while. The house is FULL of hair!

  3. My back end is doing that too! It drives our person crazy. But I don't mind!

  4. I didn't recognise Callie side view for a sec - she's beautiful! Looks great out there backed by woods. (Your living environment and landscape is so incredibly different from the one I live in!)

  5. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos. Callie, you are like a weather reporter. The warmer weather is on the way. Have a beautiful rest of your day.
    World of Animals
