Monday, April 01, 2013

A post by Breeze

Today, for our 100th post, a little Monday mischief and a few words from Breeze, our blind puppy, to all the dogs out there.

Hi!!  It's me.  The Breeze!  

The Mom said I could tell you about the fun new thing I did yesterday.  It's a gotcha game I invented that you can play with your humans.  

First, do your humans take showers? That is part of the game.

Second, you have to see if there is a bath tub with a shower curtain.  A shower stall won't work.

What you do is, you wait until your human is in the shower and then you go into the bathroom, stick your nose under the shower curtain and while your human is having their shower, you lean in and lick their leg!

The Mom screamed like a little girl was startled but then she was laughing.  So, I kept sticking my nose back under the shower curtain and tried to lick her leg. GOTCHA!

Breeze - the funny puppy

The Mom here again.  As you can imagine, having something touch your leg while you are showering is a bit of a scare. When I looked down, I saw the big black nose of the Breeze so I peered around the shower curtain and she was wagging her tail like crazy, all excited that she had "found" me.

No doubt that in the future, this will happen again and I am sure that it won't be long before the others decide to join in.  Might be time to securely close that bathroom door.


  1. I'm sure it was just her April Fools joke on you. Hilarious!
    Love her smiling photo!

    1. I suppose that is the fun thing about having a bigger dog. Breeze is the only one who can reach over the edge of the tub with all four feet on the floor!

  2. That was adorable. We have the shower door, but sometimes I look out and I can see the shape of a dog. It's usually Delilah and if I crack the door, she will lick the water from my hand or leg. It's so cute, like they don't want to be away from us. "-)

    1. Oh ya, I am never, ever without a dog or two or three or....

      Funny thing was that Breeze had to step almost on top of deaf Azule to get to me in the shower. Azule never moved. Thanks for the "protection"!

  3. HI Brezze
    That's a very cool game you have invented we wish we could try it but our humans always keep the door closed. Congratulations on your 100th Post from Milo & Jet

    1. Leave the door open, it's a fun game, especially at 4:30 in the morning. A great way to wake up!

  4. Breeze you silly girl! It's a good thing she can't see what she's doing, lol! I can only imagine the rest of the pack huddling around Breeze and laughing while she does it again and again.

    I see she's still a proud member of the Paint Ear Club ;)

    Congrats on post #100!! Glad I found your blog. I've loved reading about the gang.

  5. Oh ya, really funny - three blind ones lined up, all giggling! That's what happens when they are left alone, they think of things to do.

  6. That is so cute! I can imagine that it might have given you a bit of a shock at first. Happy 100th post! We are so glad you have the blog to share your adventures. It's become a favorite!

    Susan and Wrigs

    1. Thank you! We're glad that you visit our blog and we're really glad that we found you and Wrigs!

  7. Great game, Breeze. We have a glassed in shower AND SHE takes baths anyway, so SHE can read....BUT we're always there to lick HER legs when SHE gets out!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    1. So, when SHE has a bath, you can keep an eye on her better and let HER know that you're right there, waiting ever so patiently.

  8. Haha! That's a great game, Breeze! I do like to nibble at the peeps' feet when they forget I'm out on the floor.
    Also, something funny: my hooman Melon always thought your Mom was "Dad". Oops!

    1. Cocoa - they forget about you?! I don't believe that, how could they forget you? They must be playing. Yup, The Mom writes this stuff about us. : )

  9. That is so sweet! Fozzie for some reason likes to lick the moisture off the shower curtain when Florian is in there. So entertaining.

    1. I always wonder why that water is so much better than the big (in our house, HUGE) bowl of fresh water in the kitchen.

  10. Hahaha! I'm a bath person, and some of my dogs love to lean in and lick my wet arms, so I know just what you mean :)

    1. On the extremely rare occasion when I have a bath, the dogs always look at me as if to say, "What did you roll in?"

  11. That's a riot! You go, Breeze. lol I guess there are some benefits to having a dog that's afraid of everything - she doesn't show up in the shower uninvited. :)

    1. Well, at least you're able to see some humor. Keep up the good work with Bella!

  12. Bwahahahahaha!!!!! That's hilarious! Although, I too, would have let out quite a yell!! Hey, at least she wasn't wielding a knife, right? ;)

    1. You cannot imagine the thoughts that ran through my mind at warp speed when I felt something on my leg. I was thinking more along the lines of critters and spiders.
