Monday, May 20, 2013

The scrub brush

One of the final things to get done before listing the house for sale was to scrub the siding on the house.  Since I don't own a pressure washer, it was a bucket of water and a scrub brush.  Yes, I know, it is possible to rent a pressure washer but that costs money and besides, it was a nice sunny day and of course I had some help.

I just used plain water, no detergent.  When I brought the bucket out and put it down in anticipation of scrubbing - wait, anticipation - that makes it sound like I was looking forward to this.  I wasn't that excited.  Anyways, I put the bucket down and dropped the scrub brush into the water.  The sound of the brush splashing brought the ever inquisitive blind Breeze over.  Despite being blind, there isn't much that she misses.  Unlike blind Brook, Breeze's hearing is fine and when she hears something she wants to check it out.

As you can see in the background, there is the pool which has water in it and further back is a big green bowl of fresh water.  Nope, not interested.  What's in the bucket?

After Breeze wandered away with the scrub brush, she of course had to chew it.

I got the scrub brush back and got the scrubbing done. It is so great to have help!


  1. Good thing you have Breeze to test drive the brush before you use it!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Always best to test out the brush first to be sure it's sufficient for ya! Hope it turned out good for you!

  4. Stumpy is a big help, too, when there's work to be done!

    **eye roll**

  5. You're a cutie, Breeze! I love brushes too!


  6. So adorable. It is hard to get frustrated with a dog who has a scrub brush in her mouth.

  7. Hilarious! That pool didn't make a plopping noise. :)

  8. I guess you had your own work to do with that brush, Breeze!

  9. Breeze, you silly puppy. At least you got all the work done!

  10. I love it when dogs "help!"

  11. Anonymous5/20/2013

    Haha! Breeze totally took off with that scrub brush right before your very eyes! She's sneaky! :) Yes, we're sure you were "anticipating" the enormous task of scrubbing the siding!

    I met a dachshund at BlogPaws with no eyes and an 8 week old kitten that was born without eyes. There was also a deaf Boxer there with a lady from "Deaf Dogs Rock." He was super cute!

    Elyse and Riley

  12. Breeze probably thought she'd found the best thing ever! Now, if you could just teach her to scrub the siding... ;-)

    Susan and Wrigs

  13. HAHAh that is so cute :) The greyhounds seem to like brushes.... and mops. Barbie actually picked up a mop from the side of the road once and attempted to run off with it. Unfortunately she could only run 3 steps before she was at the end of the leash.

  14. LOL you sure have a great helper. Cute video.

  15. Anonymous5/21/2013

    What a cutie. Maybe she was trying to improve the grip? You know, by adding teeth marks.

  16. What's the point of a brush if it's not for chewing. :D

  17. Isn't that always the case, the dogs just gotten get their nose into whatever you are doing and be a part of it somehow, someway! What great helpers. :)

  18. I have nominated you for the Versatile Award and the Super Sweet Blog Award- check out my blog to collect.


  19. Heehee! I can't say I understand Callie's running off with something, but I sure understand munching it! :)
